Official opening of the conference and introduction
Dirk ACHTEN, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kingdom of Belgium
Benoît VAN KEIRSBILCK, Director Defence for Children – Belgium
Karen VAN LAETHEM and Catherine PÉTERS, respectively President and Project manager of the National Commission on the Rights of the Child - Belgium
Keynote speech: “A Children’s rights approach to evidence based policy”
Roberta RUGGIERO, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Content
Renate WINTER, President of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (Video)
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Setting the debate: What constitutes an effective tool for measuring the effectiveness of children’s rights?
Practice: "The OHCHR Human Rights Indicators" - Nicolas FASEL, Adviser on Human Rights Measurement, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (through video conference)
Practice: “Kids count” - Laura SPEER, Associate Director Policy Reform & Advocacy, The Annie E Casey Foundation
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Conclusions WG1: Hanita KOSHER, Lecturer, Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel - Graphic recording
How to ensure meaningful participation of children?
Practice: “Outcome Indicators on Child Participation” - Gerison LANSDOWN, Founder director of the Children’s Rights Alliance for England, international children’s rights consultant and advocate
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Practice: “Involving children in deciding what gets measured and how: a child rights-based approach” - Laura LUNDY, Director of the cross-university Centre for Children’s Rights, Queens University Belfast
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Conclusions WG3: Mieke SCHUURMAN, Senior Policy and Advocacy Coordinator Children’s Rights & Child Participation at Eurochild- Graphic recording
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Plenary discussion
How can the most vulnerable children be reached?
Practice: “National Children’s Rights Indicators – Belgium: the specific surveys” - Catherine PÉTERS & Karen VAN LAETHEM, respectively project manager and President of the National Commission on the Rights of the Child-Presentation
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Conclusions WG4: Ferran CASAS, Emeritus Professor, University of Girona; Research Institute on Quality of Life - Graphic recording
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Plenary discussion
Critical considerations
Maria HERCZOG - Chair Family, Child, Youth Association Budapest; former member to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
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Concluding remarks
Bernard DE VOS - Delegate-General for Children’s Rights, French Community of Belgium
Bruno VANOBBERGEN - Children’s Rights Commissioner, Flemish Community of Belgium